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HomeHelp: How Do I Begin with the EBC?

EBC:  How Do I Begin?

This page last updated:  Mar. 15, 2024    
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Hello, and thanks for thinking about riding, hiking, cross country skiing, etc. with the Elmhurst Bicycle Club!
The reason for this page is that even though there is much knowledge and there is much help freely offered from the members of our club, it turns out that jumping on the train as it were might seem a little daunting.  Furthermore, the EBC is a very involved, and evolved, club that has many facets.
Below, we will cover basic steps in joining our club.  ...But fear not, the order of these steps is not written in stone and some of them are optional. It is way, way easier to join than you might think.

After creating this page it occurred to me (the author) that prospective members might want to see how someone else proceeded to join the club. I will use myself as an example and fully illustrate that you do not need to do the numbered steps listed below on this page in order. Here's what I did:

  • #4    First, my spouse contacted a club member by way of seeing them at a farmer's market in Elmhurst and picking up some info, a brochure, and a business card.
  • #1    I looked at the website and offerings, but mainly I looked at the calendar of events. After realizing that I needed a helmet (I had always ridden without one), I went to a local sporting goods store and bought one.
  • #5    I just jumped in and signed up as a member because it was super-cheap and I knew I would most likely ride very soon.
  • #3    Hours after I signed up  and paid, I hauled butt out to Lombard on my hybrid bike and caught my first ride, which happened to be leaving out of Lombard Commons park.  The ride was an awesome eye-opener.  There were 4 riders: the ride leader, his wife, another member and myself. All were very welcoming. I had yet to learn about the advantages of bike pants, how to wear them, and bike gloves, etc.  I didn't have a pump, tools, spare tube or any patches and depended on luck to get me through. That is something I have since improved upon.
  • #3.7  As my stamina increased, I tried other types of rides, as well as hikes, club parties and even roller skating with the club.
  • #6     I got added to the email List Server and started following the club chatter.
  • #7     After about a year, I became a Ride Leader, and also started giving back to the club in other ways. My spouse was now riding with me much of the time too.  Things had come full circle and my spouse and I received life-altering boosts in our general health and well being.
So you see! You can do it your own way. Good luck to you, and we hope to see you on a bike ride or some other club activity soon!

1. Check out our Club Offerings

Go to this page to see what we offer:  Club Offerings

2. Check out one of our Scheduled Club Meetings


This is a great place to meet folks in a really laid-back atmosphere, complete with snacks and beverages.  At the minimum, you will learn some new skill or information that is featured for that particular month at the meeting.
Here is our Scheduled Club Meetings Page .

3. Go on a Test Ride

  1. Note that after a maximum of three guest rides, the rider is expected to become a club member in order to continue riding with the club.
  2. Fill out our  Guest Release & Waiver E-Form.     You can do that at the event start as well with pencil and paper, but this way is much less error-prone.
  3. Brush up on your bike riding knowledge here:  Rider Responsibilities
  4. If you don't have a bicycle helmet, go buy one.  Check out our sponsoring bike shops here:  Club Sponsors
  5. Make sure that your bicycle is in good riding condition:
    • Make sure bike is reasonably clean and lubricated.
    • Make sure tires are inflated to near, but not above, pressure capacity listed on the sides of the tire.
    • You can get your bike tuned up here:  Club Sponsors  (Your club membership opens up discounts at many of our sponsors.)
    • Bring a spare inner tube, tube patches, and some tire levers in case you or a helper needs to change your inner tube due to flatting. 
    • It is best to have your own, portable bike pump, but it is not required.
    • Make sure you have the appropriate bike for the ride e.g.:  mountain bike for mountain bike ride; road bike or hybrid, etc. for road or trail ride.
    • Bring water, some snacks, money, identification and medical coverage card with you on the ride.
  6. If you are worried about your general health, get a medical checkup before starting riding.
  7. Pick a bike ride, or hike etc. to start with.
    • Peruse our event calendar.  Note the color-codes for ride speed and ride type.  Calendar
    • Pick a ride that is about the level (distance and speed) that you think you are currently at, or easier.  Note: To avoid a bad experience, err on the side of picking a ride that is too easy for you at first, rather than getting caught up in something over your head and stressful. When new riders find themselves on a ride that is too difficult, they sometimes get a needlessly bad opinion of the ride and are reluctant to try again.   *Stay within yourself, and build up over time if desired.*  This is the key to long-term happiness.
  8. Go on another event of a different style. Sample the club. Keep your stress level and efforts sensible by starting out easily. Variety adds another facet of fun while meeting different people and increasing your general conditioning.

4. Contact us if you have Question

This page has our contact information:  Contact Us / EBC Board

5. Sign-up to the Club

Our yearly fee for either an individual member or even a family membership will probably cost less than going out to a movie with a friend one, single evening and ordering popcorn, soda pop and candy!
The downside is not very tremendous.

Go here to sign up:  Member Signup / Information

6. Get connected to club communications

Once you are officially in the club, a world of media opens up to you.  It is you that decides how involved you want to be and how much information you want flowing your way.
We have:

7. Give Back

Okay, you are now a fully functioning member of the Elmhurst Bicycling Club.  It is never too early to assist your fellow riders in their journey.
Welcome to riding at the speed of fun.  Cheers!

Designed by the Elmhurst Bicycle Club. All rights reserved world wide. Copyright 2001 - 2024.